Tuesday, August 31, 2010



My Aunt and Uncle just celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary. I ask them what was their secret in staying together this long and they mention the "three-fold-cord", What is your secret for staying together?


Monday, August 30, 2010



This is a old school poem but it really add motivation to my day so I hope it will do the same for you.

Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will; When the road you're trudging seems all uphill; When the funds are low, and the debts are high; And you want to smile, but you have to sigh; When care is pressing you down a bit Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out; The silver tint of the clouds of doubt; And you can never tell how close you are; It may be near when it seems afar. So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.

Friday, August 27, 2010



As married couples, we all realize the hardships, struggles, and tremendous (this word may be an understatement) amount of work it takes to not only make a marriage work, but to have a successful happy one. Learning how to communicate, fight fair, compromise, and make decisions together is something that takes time to master and for both spouses seems to be on the job training. Its amazing when you stop to think about it all the planning that goes into a wedding, but the lack of planning put into a life time of marriage. I know personally I am guilty. Either way, learning how to be a wife, or learning how to be a husband is just that...it is learned.

When you factor in the daily issues we all face such as this wonderful thing called life, there are times our marriages are put on the back burner as we are focused on handling other situations. In other words, there are many issues that contribute to the challenges of married life. Marriage is a beautiful covenant, but it doesn't come without a fight.

So as I sit here this morning trying to think of something meaningful to write about how to make marriage better, I realize sometimes its the simple things we need to focus on. Marriage is complicated enough in itself and it is easy to look past the small things.

So "real wives" my question to you is simply this: Why do you love your husband? Despite the all the struggles and challenges, what is one positive thing you can say about your spouse? I know one of the reasons why I fell in love with my husband is because of his sense of humor and his dedication to whatever he does. He's a hard worker and never gives up; most days he's even my best friend ;)

Sometimes we just need a little reminder of why we married our spouse in the first place.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010




Tuesday, August 24, 2010



You and your spouse playing the silent treatment. Niether one want to give in. How do you break those barriers?


Monday, August 23, 2010



What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us~Ralph Waldo

The act of positive thinking can make a huge difference in your relationships. If your spouse is down, turn it around with words of affirmation and encouragement. Help them transition from their current thoughts to a positive outlook filled with hope. You can stop looking at what appears to be happening and start looking at what is happening for you. For everything is possible to him who believes.


Friday, August 20, 2010



The willingness to forgive is an important ingredient in a successful peaceful, happy, positive relationships. The ability to forgive will be a useful tool in your relationship if it use in a timely and effective way.

I think the first way to start is learning to first forgive yourself for your own imperfections. Then understanding that your mate is imperfect also.

Now forgiveness is not about letting the other person get off the hook for their mistakes. Its primary function and value is to let you off the hook from damaging consequences of carrying around suppressed negative feelings.

Just consider all the benefits of forgiveness and what it can do for your life. It will release you from negative feelings, allow you to be free and move forward in your relationship.

Forgiveness is not an easy thing to do especially when someone that you love cause you pain BUT if you learn and practice forgiveness then you gaining power of your life and not allowing another person action dictate yours.

I'm not sure how many I will reach with this topic but if anybody who read this post and is holding on to negative feelings..let it go! and learn to forgive.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Tuesday, August 17, 2010



When a spouse is unfaithful, What fuels an affair?

  • Hungry Hearts

  • A yearning for connections

  • Hurting Hearts

  • Mourning the loss of romance

  • Aching From the Lack of Connection

  • Foolish Hearts

  • Giving up on Romance

  • Selling out to false connection

Thursday, August 12, 2010



Marriage is a beautiful convenant between a man and a woman but lets face it,not everyone is good at everything, the ability to get and, more importantly stay married is a little more difficult than it looks on the surface. A successful marriage is comprised of many constantly changing components requiring regular maintenance, and a person unwilling or unable to put in the work should not undertake the adventure. Marriage is not for everyone, unfortunately that realization comes after the vows for the misguided who never should have married in the first place. It takes a special personality to thrive within the boundaries of marriage, and a special mate to help balance the relationship of two different individuals and steer it in a singular direction.

I think if more people ask themselves are they really cut out for marriage. Then maybe we will have less failed marriages.

Signed by


Sunday, August 8, 2010



"Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate"~Barnett R. Brickner

When you were single, you could focus on your needs entirely. Now that you’re in a partnership, that just isn’t going to work. Sometimes you have to think about the family and the marriage before you think about yourself.

Remember that a marriage is a complicated thing. Being a good husband and wife spans a lot of territory. Sure, you need to support your family financially and raise your children with love and concern. These are two of the givens of being a good partner. But these aren’t the only duties of being a partner.

When you talk about the interpersonal dynamics of a man/wife relationship, a lot of these dynamics involve how we communicate with one another. How we express our love to our spouse and large part of being a good spouse in this context is showing we are a part of the team, supporting our teammate while communicating when we need support in our turn.



With the media currently showing such a negative image on marriage. We wanted to express a positive image. Couples with longevity despite the media controversy.



Do you think changing the rules on marriage such as open marriages will decrease the divorce rate?




"Relationships, marriage are ruined where one person continues to learn,develop and grow and the other person stand still." - Catherine Pulsifer

Whether you are Wife/Husband, Whethere you are self-employed, whether you are an employee, whether you are parent, we all need to be learning. To stand still, to learn no more, or worse than that to think we know all there is to know, is a major mistake. Standing still, learning no more can result in relationships ruined, marriages destroyed, loss of income. Many times age is used as an excuse. I am to old to learn it is to late for me. Or on the opposite side, I have lots of time to learn. By developing a continuous learning lifestyle, you will find opportunities, new ideas, the value you bring will make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.


Thursday, August 5, 2010



This is a postwas written by my fellow RWOC Sisters

"I actually cannot listen to Alicia Keys music anymore. It may sound a bit ridiculous to associate music artisit personal lives with thier music. I just felt she entered a marriage with too much controversy. Her new husband "Swizz Beats" was married to Mashonda when they entered a relationship. Provided the marriage was not exactly over or even near divorcing, I really felt bad for Mashonda after reading the "Essence, Hobe and Sister to Sister" interview she done. I felt she was honest and forthright on her side of this issue. I was glad she was able to tell her story on how things actually went. My sister and I cannot event listen to an Alicia Keys songs provided it spells hyprocrisy"

Whats your thoughts on this?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010






Kim wants some '"me" time but her husband seems to be clingy. She loves him dearly but would like to go shopping, out to dinner with the girls sometimes. How can Kim balance "me" time with her girls and still make her husband feels like he is important too?


Monday, August 2, 2010



Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional - Roger Crawford

If discouragement, defeat, and negativity dominate the marriage, it is time to take stock. Circumstances can be challenging. Overcoming failure is not easy. Either spouse can feel like a miserable failure because of common life issues. The observant spouse can make a significant different by taking some simple but rewarding steps toward helping their partner through reassurance and encouragement. Sometimes a wife or husband just needs comfort.
